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PO Box A524
Sydney South NSW 1235, Level 11, 227 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000

Telephone: 1800 812 164

© 2025 Opportunity International AustraliaABN 83 003 805 043

Governance Transparency

Opportunity seeks to ensure that all stakeholders have ready access to sufficient, balanced and understandable information necessary to assess its performance.

Opportunity seeks to ensure that all stakeholders have ready access to sufficient, balanced and understandable information necessary to assess its performance. The quality and transparency of Opportunity’s reporting was publicly recognised in 2012 when Opportunity was named the winner of the prestigious PwC Transparency Award in the $5m to $30m revenue category. In 2013 and 2014, we were again a finalist in the awards.

Opportunity uses the following practices to ensure it is accountable and transparent:

  • Opportunity is committed to sharing timely, relevant and accurate information in an accessible format, utilising a combination of print and electronic communication depending on the audience.
  • Financial reports are sent to all Members, together with the notice of the Annual General Meeting in May each year. At the Annual General Meeting, Members can direct questions to the Board and the external auditor, who is available to answer member’s questions about the audit and auditor’s report.
  • The Annual Review is provided to Members in May. As well as being provided in either hard copy or electronic format to supporters, the Annual Review is publicly available for download from our website and can be provided in hard copy on request.
  • An Annual Information Statement and financial report is provided to the Australian Government’s charity regulator the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) by 30 June each year. The ACNC publishes information relating to Opportunity on its website ( including: financial reports, Constitution, Board members, areas of operation and any enforcement outcomes (if relevant).
  • Program impact reports are published at least twice annually including in the Opportunity Magazine which is sent to many supporters mid year and at the end of the year. Reports are also published on our website.
  • We clearly and accurately report how much we spend on fundraising and administration in our Annual Review, on our website and upon request.
  • Additional program impact reports relating to programs funded by specific supporters are made available to these supporters at least once annually mid year. Supporters may request additional program-related information any time by contacting Opportunity at or via their state-based partnership manager.
  • Opportunity is committed to delivering impactful, innovative and sustainable programs that meet the needs of people living in poverty. Social Performance Reports are published online at least every two years. These reports set out what we’ve learned in the implementation of programs, drawing on findings across Opportunity’s global network to understand and illustrate how we are impacting the lives of the people we serve. They also include learnings from research studies on our agriculture finance, education finance and community health initiatives.
  • Events are held regularly where current and prospective supporters can learn about Opportunity’s programs and ask questions relating to our approach, our program impact, how funds are used and future funding needs. Supporters can also arrange one-to-one meetings with Opportunity representatives.
  • Opportunity’s full name, ABN and statement of purpose is included on all marketing materials that seek personal information or donations.
  • Privacy statements are included on all marketing materials and appeals. These statements include a link to, or information on how to access, Opportunity’s Privacy Policy which is published on our website.
  • Each fundraising appeal clearly explains how donations received will be used.
  • Supporters and prospective supporters are provided with a mechanism to opt out of receiving future communications or fundraising requests.
  • Fundraising proposals contain specific details, as well as descriptions of the expected impact (calculated using conservative impact calculation figures for the relevant country).
  • Opportunity’s Non-Development Activities Policy explains how we ensure funds and other resources designated for the purpose of aid and development are used only for those purposes and not for non-development activities, such as welfare, evangelism or partisan politics.
  • Opportunity is committed to providing stakeholders with opportunities to provide input and feedback through events, surveys, meetings, phone calls and email. We value all types of input and feedback including compliments, suggestions and complaints as they provide an opportunity to monitor community sentiment and trends, and enable us to foster organisational learning. We take this input on board in an open, accepting and respectful manner and respond to feedback in a timely and appropriate manner. 

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