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Not a square meal

By Benjamin Freeman

One in eight people around the world suffer from chronic hunger. This means that they’ve struggled for more than one year without enough food to eat. They may only be able to eat one small bowl of grains a day and, sometimes, parents may have to skip meals to feed their children instead.

Carmelita, Opportunity International Client

Carmelita is a mother-of-three from the Philippines. She knows what it’s like to go hungry and not be able to feed your children – she has lived through days where she had no idea where their next meal would come from because the family didn’t have enough money.

With a small loan of Php.5,000 (A$123), Carmelita purchased groceries to start a kiosk, opening her store at 5am and staying until 8pm every day. Her income has doubled, meaning she’s now able to afford food for her children.

It’s a basic necessity, but for mothers like Carmelita, the ability to feed your children is not a given. With enough food, Carmelita’s children are growing up fit and healthy and have even finished their schooling – giving them new opportunities for the future. Carmelita has been able to save enough for her youngest daughter to go to college, where she is studying a Bachelor of Science.

But there are still the one in eight families that are waiting for the opportunity that Carmelita had. A small loan can mean everything to a mother living in poverty, giving them the ability to provide their children with the food they need to grow – invest in a mother here.

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