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Everyday Social Justice: How to press for change in your 'regular' life

By Sara Bolst

If you're reading this, you have definitely encountered social justice movements in your lifetime. It's likely you've encountered one in the last week.

It may not have been a march or a rally, and you may not have had to knit yourself a pink hat. It could have been as simple as a Facebook friend sharing a post on the state of Syrian refugees, a petition to support animal rights, or a post with #metoo.

The idea of social justice is intentionally broad and has changed somewhat over the years. It's now most commonly known as a movement toward equality of resources and rights. These movements spring from observing an injustice, and searching for an implementable solution to it.

Once a year, on World Day of Social Justice, we celebrate social justice movements worldwide and the impact they continue to make. But we can do more. While social change was once an all-consuming activity, technology and the connected nature of our world have made it possible to push for progress on a daily basis. Here are some of the ways you can campaign for social justice in your everyday life:


Everyday Social Justice


Don't be afraid to think small—or big

Like us, you might be passionate about ending poverty—arguably one of the world's biggest challenges. But you can also campaign for the smaller causes that you encounter every day, and often campaigning for more tangible progress can have even faster results. Are you passionate about ending homelessness in your city? In your town? In your street? Sometimes thinking smaller can make the problem more easily solvable. But don't let that stop you from aiming high, too!

Learn about your cause

There are many facets to any story, and educating yourself on the basics is essential. Make sure you know where you stand on certain issues, and more importantly, why you stand there.

Reach out

Find other people passionate about your cause. Talk to your friends and family and explain why you're pushing for change. Start conversations with local leaders who may have the resources or knowledge about these issues that you can align with. Recruit those who are also passionate about your cause and invite them to join you—your reach can be even greater as a team.

Find—or create—solutions

You've seen the problem—now what can you do to fix it? Brainstorm possible solutions, and don't be afraid to think outside the box!

In India, one of the obstacles to addressing poverty is the lack of medical facilities in many remote communities. Our solution—to train local women as health leaders to work in these otherwise-forgotten communities. The rewards are two-fold—community members now receive valuable medical help, and the trained health leader has a profession that earns her status and an income (you can learn more about our health program here).

Be persistent

Be noisy—but polite. Post on social media, talk to people at dinner parties, encourage your workmates to sign petitions. Remember that there are reasons some people may differ from your opinions, and that's okay. Nothing is black and white. Be willing to learn from other perspectives, but to keep pushing for the change you want to see. Some movements—women's rights, for example—don't see progress for many years. But being a part of the solution and advocating for change can go a long way in bringing that future closer.

Social justice movements are, at their core, groups of people recognising issues and pushing for solutions. It doesn't have to be a big problem, or even a big solution, for you to create meaningful change. By pushing just a bit further every day, you are part of a movement that will change the status quo.

At Opportunity, we're campaigning for a multi-faceted approach to ending poverty that includes more than just income generation. We're campaigning for hope, for purpose, and for positive change in the lives of families throughout Asia. We're campaigning for women's empowerment and for a brighter future for the next generation.

What are YOU campaigning for?

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