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PO Box A524
Sydney South NSW 1235, Level 11, 227 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000

Telephone: 1800 812 164

© 2025 Opportunity International AustraliaABN 83 003 805 043

Help families
live in safety

Domestic violence prevention training provides valuable education and counselling, while human trafficking prevention programs help communities recognise and prevent exploitation.

1 in 3 women in India experience domestic violence with only 14% reporting the offence.

1 in 2

Domestic violence is all too common in so many households – so common that many women aren't aware of their legal right to live without abuse. In communities where women have little control over their lives and family environments, women and children seeking to flee from domestic violence often have nowhere safe to go.

Girls living in poverty are frequently targeted by sex trafficking rings with promises of schooling, jobs or marriage. Parents often do not have the means or knowledge to determine whether the promise is legitimate—or to identify traffickers, which are often family friends or relatives—and mistakenly believe they are giving their children a better future.

All women and children have the right to live in safety.

Opportunity is dedicated to fostering safe community environments and ending the horrors of human trafficking.

Together we can help families live safe, healthy lives.

PeaceMaker icon

Our PeaceMaker Program trains local women to counsel and empower other women, men and communities to protect their futures and break the cycle of abuse through education, awareness and challenging deeply entrenched social attitudes.

It also provides support for women to leave abusive situations.

Safe Village icon

Our Safe Village Program provides grassroots training in high-risk villages about warning signs of human trafficking, empowering ‘guardian girls’ and ‘informed mothers’ to become agents of change and encouraging men and boys to protect women and girls in their community. It is tackling issues of trafficking, and preventing exploitation of children.

30% of women
worldwide have been subjected to either physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime
1 girl
is sold into sex slavery in India every 3 minutes
10 million
more girls at risk of becoming child brides as a result of the pandemic

In 2023, 

82,504 women

were educated in trafficking and gender-based violence prevention

Reshmi's Story

Escaping to a life of dignity

Content warning: this story discusses gender-based violence which some readers may find challenging.

As soon as Reshmi* finished her teaching studies, her parents arranged for her to be married. Dhruv* was from a respected family and had a government job and Reshmi was happy to get married. However, only weeks into their marriage, Dhruv became abusive, subjecting her to severe sexual and physical abuse. Dhruv’s threats and abuse left Reshmi isolated and so she suffered in silence; afraid to reach out to her parents and not knowing where else to turn. While Dhruv ‘allowed’ her to work as a teacher, it was on the condition that her salary be handed over to him.

Reshmi had two children and as they grew up, she did her best to protect them and hide the abuse, but they began to ask about her injuries. Her son and daughter encouraged Reshmi to get help, but for women like Reshmi, there are so many barriers. Women in Reshmi’s community are often blamed for their husband’s abuse, and experience significant social stigmatisation if they end the marriage. Furthermore, years of being in an abusive relationship had worn down Reshmi’s self-esteem.

Her brother contacted Opportunity’s local partner’s domestic violence helpline on her behalf and the counsellors encouraged Reshmi to attend counselling in person.

After six months, and despite the many challenges she faced, Reshmi found the courage to seek counselling. Trained counsellors explained her rights, what constitutes domestic violence, and how her husband’s abuse was also harming her children. With the counsellors’ support and armed with knowledge of her rights, Reshmi decided to leave Dhruv and move in with her mother. Despite immense pressure, she wasn’t swayed by relatives to stay with Dhruv.

Reshmi’s son and daughter also supported her in regaining her freedom. With the help of our local partner’s legal team, Reshmi successfully filed a case of domestic violence with the police, which gave her legal protection and enabled her to permanently end the relationship. Now 56, Reshmi is living a life of dignity, free from violence. She is determined to help other women to escape domestic violence, and to provide a good life for her children.

*names changed for privacy

This project is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

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Donate today to help Opportunity International Australia provide support and mitigation services that allow women and children to live in safety.